A lot of people think that bouncy castles are only for kids, but that’s wrong. In recent years, more adults have joined the bounce house, especially for weddings.

Using a bouncy castle is more relaxing than a traditional wedding ceremony. One thing you can imagine is how romantic that would be: You could promise your bride the fairytale wedding of their dreams, and the bouncy castle will send you and your new spouse into the stars on your wedding day. Bouncy castle weddings seem to turn a lot of adults into children again, and jumping can ignite the wedding atmosphere and make it easier to mingle with those in-laws you haven’t met yet.

The standard size of our white bouncy castle is 15ft(L)x15ft(W)x13ft(H), it can also be customized according to your needs whether you are hosting your wedding in the backyard, church or other places. Make sure there are no trees or other sharp objects in the way of your trampoline, so prepare a good enough space in advance to place it.

A wedding bouncy castle can provide a great environment for taking photos, especially when you’re doing some jumping or flower throwing. You can see if the photos taken by some friends are very nice.

Written by Doris from East-Inflatables

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