When you notice a tear or a hole in your inflatables, don’t rush to throw it away, if the damage isn’t serious, you can fix it yourself.

First we have to find the broken place, there are two methods that can be used. 1. First walk around the inflatables, then try to narrow down to find where the hole is. Bring your hand close to the inflatables. In this way, you will easily feel a lot of leaks. 2. Coat the inflatables with soapy water. Covering the leak with soapy water will create air bubbles, so you can easily spot the break too.

Once you find the damage, you can start repairing it. Here are three methods: repairing with needle and thread, repairing with glue and patches, repairing with tape

1.Repairing with needle and thread: For this type of repair, you can zip into the inflatables through one of the vents or repair the repair from the outside. The separated areas are then pinched together and stitched. However, this method is relatively difficult, and we generally do not recommend it.

2.Repairing with glue and patches: This is the method we use most. Clean the area to be patched first, then cut a circular patch from the patch kit, making sure all edges are rounded to avoid any corners that can lift. Take the underside of the patch, roughen the surface with sandpaper, and wipe clean. Repeat this process for the inflatables surface around the torn area. Use the brush to spread the glue liberally over the entire patch and make sure it fits just right around the edges. Brush the glue also onto the inflatable part where the patch will be placed. Use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat both parts until the glue is tacky, then place the patch in the desired location. Finally let the glue dry for a few hours before using the bounce house.

3. Repairing with tape: You can get some vinyl repairing tape on Amazon, this method is the quickest and easiest, just clean the surface, dry and place on the tape, making sure to cover at least 20mm around the repaired area. But this method is not suitable for large areas of damage.

Repairing your own inflatables can be a great way to save money, and hopefully it will help you find a way that works better for you.

Written by Doris from East Inflatables.

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