Although we don’t want to encounter such a situation, as a Chinese saying goes, “the sky is unpredictable”, we have to think of possible problems in advance and then come up with a solution to the problem, so that once a similar problem occurs, we will ​​solve problems in the fastest speed .

In general, there are first aid kits near the download bouncy castle or at home. If there is an injury, we will start first aid. Therefore, if we have time, we can do some first aid training such as CPR. If you can’t do it yourself, seek help from someone nearby and discuss some options with them.

When the child is injured, remove the injured child from the bouncy castle. If it is not serious, we can simply deal with it. If it seems serious, we should not move them frequently, because this may cause secondary njury, in this case, we just need to try our best to appease their emotions.

The best way is to go to the nearest hospital or emergency room to determine the severity of the injury so you can learn how to care for your child. Monitor the injury over the next week to see if it gets worse. If the pain is severe, take your child to see a doctor right away.

Lastly, renters of bouncy castles generally have insurance services, and after finding out how your child was injured and identifying the responsible party, you can file a liability claim against the owner or operator of your child’s injured property because they are obligated to do so.

Written by Doris from East-inflatables

By admin

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